Trump Allows Democrats to Control Public Discussion on Biden’s Future


Former President Donald Trump has largely avoided comment on the discussions within the Democratic Party regarding President Biden’s political future, instead allowing the news coverage of the debate to play out. Trump’s advisers suggest this is part of a strategy, reflecting Trump’s confidence in his ability to defeat Biden in November. However, recent polls show Vice President Kamala Harris and former First Lady Michelle Obama polling ahead of Biden in hypothetical contests against Trump, and Trump’s campaign has started preparing for potential match-ups against other Democratic candidates.

Amid Discussions of Biden’s Presidential Nomination, Trump Stays Silent

With Democrats debating President Biden’s future as their presidential nominee, former President Trump has been restrained in his public commentary. Despite his regular participation on Truth Social, Trump has been quietly observing the Democratic Party’s debate over Biden’s future, signaling he’d prefer Biden as his opponent.

Trump, known for his criticism of Biden’s physical and mental capabilities to lead, has been content to let news coverage center on Democrats’ doubts about their leader. This silence indicates a desire for Biden to stay in the race, confident he can easily defeat him in November, according to an adviser.

Republican Voters’ Opinions on Biden’s Candidacy

A New York Times/Siena College poll showed some Republican voters would prefer Biden stays as the Democratic nominee, increasing from 21 percent to 28 percent after the recent debate. Trump has publicly dismissed the notion of Biden being replaced, articulating confidence in his ability to defeat Biden.

Trump argues that polls show Biden outperforms other potential alternatives. He believes Biden polled better against him than either Vice President Kamala Harris or former first lady Michelle Obama.

Evidence Countering Trump’s Claims

CNN and Ipsos/Reuters polls suggest otherwise. Harris polled slightly ahead of Biden against Trump, and Michelle Obama, despite her disinterest in running, outperformed Trump 50% to 39% in a theoretical matchup.

If Biden stepped aside, Trump would lose some of his established lines of attack. Furthermore, if another candidate steps in, Trump could face challenges, including an opponent who could attract voters seeking a fresh alternative to two previous White House holders.

Anticipating a New Democratic Candidate

The Heritage Foundation has been assessing possible legal challenges that could complicate replacing Biden on the ballot in some states. Meanwhile, Trump’s campaign and Republican allies have increased attacks on Harris, acknowledging the possibility of her replacing Biden.

“Every good campaign looks at every possible contingency,” stated Corey Lewandowski, a long-term Trump advisor. Highlighting the need for preparedness if Biden drops out, he affirmed the campaign strategy isn’t shifting.

Reactions from Trump’s Allies

Senator Lindsey Graham, a close Trump ally, issued a warning on social media about how the 2024 race might alter if Harris became the nominee. “I believe the Trump Campaign realizes the 2024 race could very soon dramatically shift away from Biden’s capabilities to a fight for the heart and soul of the country,” Graham wrote on X.

If the scenario played out, Graham iterated, Republicans would need to expand the party’s demographic reach in 2024.

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