Raleigh Family’s Close Call with Home Invasion Attempt


A family in Raleigh, North Carolina, is concerned about their safety after their home was almost burglarized by two masked men. The Ferguson family believes their street made them a target due to its lack of streetlights, which have been lying in the grass for about two months without being erected and connected to power. Raleigh police are investigating, but no suspects are in custody.

Raleigh Family Traumatized by Attempted Home Burglary

In Raleigh, NC, an attempted home burglary was caught on camera, leaving the Ferguson family deeply traumatized. The family believes their poorly lit street made their home the target of two masked men.

Thursday night, the two intruders tried to break down the Ferguson’s door. Precious Ferguson was alerted to the attempted break-in by her Ring app. Precious and her family, including her mother Stephanie, twin sister Princess, and four-year-old niece, were all home at the time. They are now living in fear of a repeat incident.

The family is unsure why their home was targeted but suspect the darkness of their street played a part. Streetlights on their street have been lying in the grass, unconnected to power for about two months.

Stephanie Ferguson believes that “no one’s neighborhood should be dark to the point where anyone’s safety is at risk”. She stated that the grass is now starting to grow over the uninstalled light poles.

As of now, CBS 17 is trying to reach the area’s developer. A spokesperson from Duke Energy mentioned ongoing efforts to address new development logistics within the community. The company is also discussing with the city about suitable locations for the lights that won’t interfere with trees.

The Duke Energy representative denied having any record of complaints about the poles and assured that the company is willing to address concerns about pole locations.

The Ferguson family, despite their fear, are grateful the intruders did not gain entry to their home. Precious Ferguson expressed concern for other potential victims, stating, “That’s why we need to find out who they are, so it won’t happen to somebody else”.

Raleigh police are currently investigating the matter, with no suspects in custody yet.

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