House GOP Against Environmental Justice



Speaker Mike Johnson’s first bill in the House aims to cut $5-6 billion of funding from the Inflation Reduction Act, which would adversely impact many energy and climate projects. The proposed cuts would also hinder environmental justice efforts and programs meant to support disadvantaged communities. Critics argue that this bill reflects the House GOP’s hypocrisy, as Republican states have massively benefited from the funding provided by the Inflation Reduction Act.

First Bill Passed Under Speaker Mike Johnson’s Leadership Aims to Cut Funding from Inflation Reduction Act

The initial bill that Speaker Mike Johnson passed through the House potentially threatens numerous energy and climate projects, previously funded by the Inflation Reduction Act. This move would particularly affect Republican states benefiting significantly from the funding, and block environmental justice efforts, denying a “just transition” for underprivileged communities. Derrick Jackson, an opinion writer, discusses these elements with Host Steve Curwood.


House Speaker Mike Johnson of Louisiana is actively working to slash key legislation from the Biden Administration era. The first bill passed under his leadership aims to undermine the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act, targeting nearly $370 billion in climate and clean energy funding. Furthermore, the bill proposes to scrap the President’s Justice 40 initiative, impacting underserved communities affected by pollution and climate change. Jackson elaborates on how Speaker Johnson’s actions reveal the Republican Party’s future agenda.

The first bill that Speaker Johnson pushed through the House targets energy and climate change projects under the Inflation Reduction Act, amounting to five to six billion dollars. Plans to defund clean energy and efficiency efforts through the Department of Energy, national Climate Corps, state net zero programs and block discussions on the social costs of greenhouse gases.

The bill would also hinder financial support for communities of color disproportionately affected by pollution. It aims to block funding for the White House’s Justice 40 initiative, a program set to direct benefits of environmental projects towards these communities. Furthermore, the bill will obstruct funding for a more diverse science workforce and a new national laboratory focused on diverse communities.

Despite the evident benefits Republican states receive from the Inflation Reduction Act, Speaker Johnson aims to dismantle it. Jackson believes this dichotomy reveals a significant hypocrisy within the GOP, a party publicly attacking the Inflation Reduction Act while privately reaping its benefits. Despite Republican states garnering 75% of the renewable energy benefits from the Act, the proposed legislation would deny these advantages to communities of color.

The racial aspects of this bill pose significant concerns for the upcoming 2024 elections. Jackson emphasizes the need to pay attention to the Republican agenda on climate change moving forward, suggesting that this bill outlines a blueprint for a potential second Trump term.


Derrick Jackson’s Blog from the Union of Concerned Scientists

Read Bill 4394

President Biden’s statement on plans to Veto Bill 4394

Learn more about the White House’s Justice40 Initiative

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