Scottsdale Schools Excel: A Triumph in Education by Lewis



The Scottsdale Unified School District has successfully passed an override, allowing the district to maintain competitive salaries for teachers and continue to invest in its students. Various programs including advanced placement, Career and Technical Education programs, gifted and honors classes, International Baccalaureate, Math and Science Academy, world languages, athletics, music, and art services will be protected. This was achieved without an increase in taxes.

Scottsdale Celebrates Successful School District Override Passage

Donna W. Lewis

Scottsdale resident Donna W. Lewis applauds the recent successful passage of the Scottsdale Unified School District’s override. As a 20-year inhabitant of Scottsdale, including in the Cave Creek area, she sees the positive community change this decision brings.

The successful override ensures continued resources for world-class, future-focused education, fostering critical thinking and collaborative actions in students. Lewis credits the successful campaign to the community’s intellectual exploration and engagement.

This victory ensures teachers retention through competitive salaries, allowing them to continue improving the lives of the district’s 22,000 students. Lewis thanks the community for their belief in the benefits of investing in public schools and education.

She appreciates Scottsdale’s commitment to protecting advanced learning programs such as Career and Technical Education programs, gifted and honors classes, International Baccalaureate, Math and Science Academy, and world languages. These research-based programs have proven vital in educating citizens and procuring scholarships for students. Moreover, this achievement was made with no increase in taxes.


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