Mark Lamb’s Impact Potential without Kari Lake in Debate



U.S. Senate candidate Mark Lamb has criticized rival Kari Lake’s decision not to attend a Republican primary debate, suggesting that he values the role more as he attended the debate. Lamb, the Pinal County sheriff, used the debate to discuss his conservative views on crime, the economy, and abortion. He is running for the seat held by retiring U.S. Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, and is being challenged by Lake and Democratic candidate Rep. Ruben Gallego.

Mark Lamb Attends Republican Debate, Kari Lake Absent

U.S. Senate candidate Mark Lamb described his participation in Wednesday’s Republican primary debate as akin to a “job interview”, contrasting his approach with rival Kari Lake’s decision to abstain. The Pinal County sheriff highlighted his expertise in tackling crime issues related to illegal immigration, terming it an “invasion”.

Lamb expressed strong conservative views on crime, economy, and abortion rights, but emphasized that independents can participate in the Republican primary he aims to win. The debate was facilitated by the nonpartisan Citizens Clean Elections Commission.

“My presence here should tell the people of Arizona I want this job, that it’s important enough for me to come here and show you the respect that you deserve here in Arizona,” Lamb stated. Though Lake’s name was not mentioned, he did criticise Rep. Ruben Gallego, the only Democrat in the race, as a “rubber stamp” for President Joe Biden and his agenda.

Lamb, Lake, and Gallego are vying for the seat currently held by retiring U.S. Sen. Kyrsten Sinema.

He argued that crime, particularly the flow of fentanyl, has been encouraged by Biden’s lax border control. Lamb hinted at Democrats desiring electoral support from illegal immigrants, a view often expressed by Lake.

Lamb voiced his support for the 2022 Supreme Court ruling eliminating federal abortion rights, proposing the issue be left to states. He also opposed a potential Arizona ballot measure guaranteeing abortion rights.

He blamed Biden for the inflation spike upon his entry to office and proposed “energy independence” through increased fossil fuel production and alternative energy sources as his top economic policy.

Lamb criticized Biden’s handling of international affairs, citing the Afghanistan withdrawal as a disaster and the support for Ukraine as wasted money. He sees China’s growing boldness towards Taiwan as another concern.

In response to questions about election integrity, Lamb confirmed his belief in regular fraud occurrence, despite having testified to Congress about a lack of evidence in his jurisdiction.

While Lake called Lamb a “total coward” on election integrity, Lamb defended his position and drew support from nine of Arizona’s 14 other sheriffs who condemned Lake’s comments as “unfounded and disrespectful.”

Lake, considered the Republican front-runner in the race, has the formal endorsement of former President Donald Trump.

According to Mitchell McKinney, a professor of political communication at the University of Akron, Lake’s absence at the debate might have been a strategic move to prevent Lamb from gaining ground.

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