Presidential debate overlooks climate change



In a recent CNN-hosted presidential debate, climate change was briefly discussed by candidates Biden and Trump. Biden emphasized on the clean energy policies of his administration, notably the Inflation Reduction Act and the creation of American Climate Corps, while Trump avoided a direct response, choosing to critique the Paris agreement instead. Climate experts expressed disappointment with the lack of substantial discussion on climate change during the debate.

Climate Change in Presidential Debate: Biden Emphasizes Clean Energy, Trump Offers Incoherent Response

In a recent CNN-hosted debate, climate change emerged as a topic for discussion, however brief. Biden emphasized the Inflation Reduction Act while Trump’s response lacked clear context.

Brief Overview:

  • Biden highlighted his administration’s clean energy policies, particularly the Inflation Reduction Act and the creation of the American Climate Corps.
  • Conversely, Trump evaded a direct response, preferring to boast about environmental numbers and criticize the Paris Agreement.
  • Unfortunately, climate experts expressed disappointment at the debate’s minimal focus on climate change.

Impactful Quote:

“More time discussing golf than climate. What a world we are living in.” — Jeff Goodell, author of The Heat Will Kill You First

The Importance:

Despite its brief mention, climate change is a critical issue. The health and environmental impacts are far-reaching. This debate highlighted the stark policy differences between the candidates. The upcoming election will significantly affect future climate policy. For more details, check Trump’s other war.

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