2030 Target: Eradicating HIV in Europe – POLITICO

2030 Target: Eradicating HIV in Europe – POLITICO


HIV remains a significant health concern requiring political attention despite successful innovative therapies, as affected patients age and face new challenges related to their care and treatment. Mario Cascio, Quality of Life program chair of the European AIDS Treatment Group, is calling for greater investment in prevention of comorbidities, the provision of people-centered integrated care, and the need to address growing resistance to certain HIV medications. The European Union aligns with the UNAIDS goal to end HIV by 2030 and policymakers are advocating for a range of policies such as regular testing, rapid linkage to innovative care, integrated care considering patients’ needs and wellbeing, and measures to reduce stigma and discrimination.

European Policies and Future HIV Treatment Challenges

In recent political changes, health advocates are striving to keep HIV treatment and well-being of affected individuals a priority in the health agenda. Despite the advances in HIV therapies, the disease still requires political attention to end the epidemic.

Many patients with HIV are aging, which brings new complications to their treatment and care, according to Mario Cascio, Chair of the Quality of Life program at the European AIDS Treatment Group, who has lived with HIV for over 40 years.

“EU institutions and member states must coordinate their efforts through regulations, policies

-Mario Cascio, Chair of Quality of Life Program, European AIDS Treatment Group

With millions of people living with HIV, the risk of age-related health conditions rises, which calls for investments in preventing comorbidities and equipping health care systems to respond to emerging needs. This includes the growing issue of medication resistance, which the World Health Organization highlighted earlier this year.

Addressing these challenges requires continuous innovation in anti-HIV treatments and stronger political commitment. Europe is aligning with the UNAIDS goal of ending HIV by 2030, with the European Union, the Members of the European Parliament, and the EU Employment, Social Policy, Health, and Consumer Affairs Council calling for action.

A range of policies are being called for by EU policymakers, including rapid linkage to innovative care, people-centered integrated care, measures to reduce stigma, and discrimination. The commitment to ending HIV was reaffirmed at the G7 summit.

While progress has been made, Cascio urges advocates to continue pushing for more action and coordination from EU institutions and member states. He calls for an ambitious EU action plan, prioritizing innovation, investment, and strong collaboration.

Watch our video to hear Cascio’s personal journey as an HIV activist.

Report on HIV Epidemic

Learn more about the HIV epidemic in a new report, “Going the extra mile to end the HIV epidemic,” developed by Boston Consulting Group partners and commissioned by Gilead Sciences.

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