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City Center Housing Density Boosted by New Bill

TL/DR - The content is essentially a form field request for the user's State, Zip Code, and Country. Each field provides a list of possible options for the user to select from. The information embedded in a script at the end is for tracking page views via Facebook's tracking system. State Selection State Zip Code Input Zip Code

Combatting High Black Breast Cancer Mortality: AZ Group & US Taskforce

TL/DR - Black women in the US are over 40% more likely to die from breast cancer than white women, a statistic that has largely remained the same for a decade, according to the American Cancer Society. Factors contributing to this disparity include biological differences such as aggressive forms of breast cancer, inadequate insurance coverage,…

Az’s Policies Raise Fear, Hinder Mental Health Access for Immigrants

TL/DR - Ileana Salinas, a recipient of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, is facing the uncertainty and stress of renewing her immigration status, which is affecting her mental health. The Migration Policy Institute estimates that as many as 1.16 million people in the U.S. could be eligible for DACA protections, but many,…

Arizona Gas Prices: Expert Predicts Fall Below $4

TL/DR - The average price of gasoline in Phoenix has fallen by 22 cents in the last week, making it about $4.12 per gallon, according to a recent survey by GasBuddy. This represents a drop of 87 cents compared to a month ago, and is 45 cents less than a year ago. Across the US, gasoline prices have fallen for six consecutive weeks, with the…