Discover Pennsylvania’s Ranking Among the Top States in the Country.


New Netflix Themed House Coming to Pennsylvania

If you are a Netflix fan and live in Pennsylvania, we’ve got some exciting news for you! A brand new Netflix themed house is going to be launched in Pennsylvania soon.

This exciting news comes at a time when Pennsylvania was ranked No. 40 in the latest “Best States Rankings” by U.S. News and World Report.

How Pennsylvania Fared in the Rankings

This report, which ranks all 50 states from best to worst, evaluates the performance of each state in various areas such as economy, infrastructure, public safety, natural environment, fiscal stability of the government and opportunities for residents.

According to U.S. News and World Report, health care and education were the most heavily weighted factors. They were followed by state economies, infrastructure, opportunities for citizens, fiscal stability, crime and corrections measures, and a state’s natural environment.

Here’s how Pennsylvania performed in these areas:

  • Ranked No. 11 in health care
  • Ranked No. 16 in crime and corrections
  • Ranked No. 24 in opportunity
  • Ranked No. 37 in natural environment
  • Ranked No. 39 in education
  • Ranked No. 43 in infrastructure
  • Ranked No. 41 in economy
  • Ranked No. 44 in fiscal stability

It seems that despite these rankings, Pennsylvania continues to be an attractive location for businesses and individuals alike. After all, who wouldn’t want to live in a state with a Netflix themed house?

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