Steve Bannon Starts Serving Federal Prison Term for Congress Defiance

Steve Bannon Starts Serving Federal Prison Term for Congress Defiance


Stephen Bannon, a close ally of former President Donald Trump, began his four-month prison sentence on Monday, July 1, for defying a congressional subpoena issued by the committee investigating the January 6, 2021, U.S. Capitol attack. Judge Amit P. Mehta dismissed Bannon’s defense that he was protected by executive privilege and directed by Trump not to cooperate. Besides being involved in planning to challenge the 2020 election results, Bannon is set for another trial in Manhattan for allegedly misusing funds raised for Trump’s border wall project.

Stephen Bannon, former President Donald Trump’s ally, started his four-month prison term on July 1, for defying a subpoena from the committee probing the U.S. Capitol attack on January 6, 2021. This follows the Supreme Court dismissal of his final bid to evade imprisonment.

Judge Amit P. Mehta rejected Bannon’s defense of being protected by executive privilege and acting on Trump’s directive not to cooperate.

Bannon’s Role in January 6 Planning

Bannon participated in plotting to challenge the 2020 election results, including the Green Bay Sweep. This strategy intended to disrupt the election certification via contestation from Republican legislators in swing states. Bannon’s public skepticism about the election’s integrity and his podcast comments implying chaos on January 6 attracted the House committee’s interest. His refusal to offer documents and testimony led to the House’s contempt vote and a grand jury indictment.

Other Legal Troubles

Bannon joins other Trump allies with legal issues, including Peter Navarro, serving a similar sentence, and Trump, who was recently found guilty on 34 felony charges. Bannon also faces another trial in Manhattan for allegedly misusing funds raised for Trump’s border wall project.

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