The Cavalier Daily: New American Politics Course Seeks to Boost Civic Engagement Through Innovative Format

The Cavalier Daily: New American Politics Course Seeks to Boost Civic Engagement Through Innovative Format


A new politics course titled “Everything You Should Know About U.S. Politics” is being offered at the 3000-level and features no teaching assistants, no essays, and several guest speakers. The course instructor, Politics Prof. Jennifer Lawless, aims to teach students how to be informed citizens, discern reliable political information, and assess polls. Instead of essays, students’ grades will be determined by exams, quizzes, and class participation; guest speakers will include pollsters from both major parties, former presidential advisors, and redistricting experts.

New Politics Course: “Everything You Should Know About U.S. Politics”

The groundbreaking 3000-level course offers an in-depth look into the American political system, aimed at creating informed citizens. With a unique format that incorporates guest speakers and requires no essays, this politics course is a first of its kind.

The course, conceived by Politics Prof. Jennifer Lawless, answers key questions like “Why doesn’t everyone vote?” and will utilize Lawless’ textbook, “American Politics: A Field Guide”, as a primary resource.

“I want students to discern credible political information, assess polls accurately, and decipher trustworthy sources,” Lawless stated. The course also supplements the learning with political science reading, podcast episodes, and esteemed guest speakers.

Guest Speakers Featuring Renowned Pollsters and Political Advisors

After significant trust decline in the polling process, the course will feature pollsters Anna Greenberg and Glen Bolger. Both experts will address the class about the reliability of polling in predicting election results.

The speakers lineup also includes Redistricting experts, and Paul Begala and Karl Rove, former advisors to Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush respectively. “Hearing every voice is important,” says Bacheler Burt, a second-year College student enrolled in the class.

Innovative Course Structure and Assessment

The course will adopt a large lecture format with no discussion sections. Students’ political engagement will be measured through an online class discussion thread and an innovative “selfie wall,” showcasing their political involvement.

“Instead of weekly sections, I want students to attend webinars, volunteer, or engage with guest speakers outside the syllabus to learn more about US politics,” Lawless explained.

Students will be assessed via exams, quizzes, and class participation, eschewing the conventional essay-based grading. The course, with nearly 200 seats available, meets Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:30 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. Students may register until the Jan. 31 deadline.

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