The New York Times: In the Event of a Trump Victory



Donald Trump is preparing for major changes in American government, if he regains the White House. His plans include a severe crackdown on immigration with mass deportations and increased ICE raids, and using the Justice Department to prosecute his adversaries, including former President Biden and his family. He also plans to increase presidential power over federal agencies, upend regular economic policies including new trade restrictions on China, retreat militarily from Europe, and unilaterally deploy troops to Democratic-run cities and Mexico.

Haiyun Jiang for The New York Times

Donald Trump and his allies are planning a drastic reshaping of American government if he returns to power. His plans include a severe crackdown on immigration, utilizing the Justice Department against his opponents, increasing presidential power, revamping America’s economic policies, withdrawing militarily from Europe, and deploying troops in Democratic-controlled cities.

Tough Down on Illegal Immigration

Trump’s second term would witness a huge expansion of his first-term immigration crackdown, including large-scale deportations and expanding the number of agents for ICE raids. He additionally plans to use military funds to build holding facilities for immigrants, revive “safe third country” agreements, reinstate a travel ban on certain Muslim-majority nations, and end “birthright citizenship”.

Prosecute Adversaries Using Justice Department

Trump plans to leverage the powers of the presidency for retribution against his perceived enemies. His plans include directing criminal investigations into political opponents, indicting those who challenge him politically, and targeting journalists for prosecution.

Expand Presidential Power

Trump intends to increase presidential authority over parts of the federal government that operate independently. His plans include bringing independent agencies under presidential control, impounding funds, stripping employment protections from civil servants, purging officials from security and foreign policy agencies, and appointing lawyers who would endorse his agenda.

Revise Economic and Trade Policies

Trump plans to impose new tariffs on most foreign goods, despite the risk of disrupting the economy. His broader economic strategy includes severe trade restrictions on China, slashing business regulations, and extending and expanding tax cuts.

Withdraw Military Engagement from Europe

Trump has signalled his intention to reconsider NATO’s purpose and has suggested that he could undermine or exit the alliance. He has also claimed the ability to resolve the Russia-Ukraine conflict “in 24 hours”.

Employ Military Force domestically and in Mexico

Trump plans to use U.S. military force at home and in Mexico, including declaring war on Mexican drug cartels, using federal troops at the border, and deploying troops in Democrat-run cities.

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