White House Dismisses Biden’s Debate Performance as a Mere Oversight; Is There More Than Meets the Eye?



President Biden and his associates are downplaying the impact of a debate in Atlanta where Biden was perceived to have performed poorly. Some voters and critics are concerned about Biden’s performance, however, his team believes these concerns are, “overblown media narratives” and they continue to focus on fundraising efforts. Despite this, critics suggest that this dismissive attitude could harm the President’s chances of defeating Mr. Trump in November.

President Biden Shrugs Off Debate Performance Controversy

President Biden and his circle are adopting the strategy “Nothing to see here” after last week’s Atlanta debate. According to aides and surrogates, the debate was a minor event in a protracted campaign. Despite not having “a great night” as Biden admitted to donors, his fundraising remains robust and he has rebounded.

This message aligns with the narrative his team has driven for over a year, dismissing polls that show voter concerns about the president’s age. They’ve brushed off such concerns as media creations and MAGA movement fallout. Top campaign strategist, Jen O’Malley Dillon, attributed any fall in the polls to “overblown media narratives.”

Voters’ Perception of The Debate Differs

Despite the dismissal by Biden’s team, voters don’t need to be told what transpired during the face-off with Mr. Trump. Ben Rhodes, a former top foreign policy adviser to President Obama, criticized the response strategy. Biden’s strategy hasn’t been to convince voters he won the debate but to downplay its impact, blaming the media for not reporting on Trump’s lies.

At appearances, Biden has used teleprompters, which he couldn’t do during the debate, and his aides have shielded him from reporters. “Since the debate, polls show a little movement, and we’ve moved us up, actually,” Biden told donors at a Hampton’s fundraiser, dismissing concerns over his debate performance.

Critics Rebuke Biden’s Post-Debate Approach

Yet, critics argue this approach risks appearing out-of-touch with voters. Tommy Vietor, an Obama administration alumnus, criticized the attempt to spin the debate’s impact. The challenge for Biden’s team is to convince Democrats that their version of reality is accurate, prevent calls for Biden to step aside and refocus the race on Trump’s ongoing plans for an extreme agenda.

In the end, voters will decide what to believe. Despite fewer viewers than previous years, 51.3 million still tuned in to the debate. The New Yorker’s editor David Remnick called Biden’s performance an “agonizing experience,” and warned it could erase any positive impressions of Biden’s presidency.

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