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U.S. Senators Martin Heinrich and Thom Tillis have announced that Senators Bob Casey and Marco Rubio have joined them as cosponsors of the bipartisan legislation, the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act (RAWA). The act aims to dedicate significant resources towards state-, territory-, and Tribe-led conservation work to support the long-term health of fish and wildlife across America. The RAWA will provide $1.4 billion in dedicated annual funding for conservation efforts, $97.5 million for Tribal nations, and will target efforts based on State Wildlife Action Plans, accelerating the recovery of approximately 1,600 U.S. species currently listed as threatened or endangered.

U.S. Senators push for the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act

Senators Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) and Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) announced that Senators Bob Casey (D-Pa.) and Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) are joining them as co-sponsors of the bipartisan Recovering America’s Wildlife Act (RAWA).

The Act focuses on allocating substantial resources for state, territory, and Tribe-led conservation work. This proactive approach will safeguard the long-term health of fish, wildlife, and their habitats in America.

Heinrich expressed his pride in garnering bipartisan support for RAWA, emphasizing the importance of preserving American wildlife for future generations. Tillis echoed this sentiment, highlighting the Act’s potential to prevent species from reaching endangered status, thereby saving millions of dollars in compliance costs.

Casey stressed the importance of conservation in ensuring the health and safety of America’s fish and wildlife. Rubio pointed to RAWA as a solution to addressing the shortcomings of the Endangered Species Act.

RAWA will provide a crucial toolkit for states, territories, and Tribes, enabling them to address the needs of over 12,000 species requiring conservation assistance. Current federal funding is inadequate to meet these needs, making RAWA’s role even more significant.

Key Features of the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act (RAWA)

  • Allocates $1.4 billion annually for on-the-ground conservation efforts benefiting over 12,000 species.
  • Provides Tribal nations with $97.5 million annually for wildlife conservation efforts on approximately 140 million acres of land.
  • Guides wildlife recovery efforts using State Wildlife Action Plans, targeting species with the greatest conservation need.
  • Accelerates the recovery of around 1,600 U.S. species listed as threatened or endangered.
  • Aims to improve fund allocation to areas with the greatest need and promotes additional investments in protecting at-risk plant species.

Over 60 Tribes and 1,500 organizations, including state fish and wildlife agencies, conservation groups, and industry associations, support RAWA.

RAWA has also gained the support of a range of U.S. Senators from both sides of the aisle. Senator Heinrich, who first introduced RAWA with former Senator Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) in 2021, saw the bill voted out of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works in 2022.

You can read the full bill HERE.

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