Guide to Viewing 2nd GOP Primary Debate sans Trump

Guide to Viewing 2nd GOP Primary Debate sans Trump


The second Republican presidential debate is set to take place on September 27, with Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley, Vivek Ramaswamy, Mike Pence, Tim Scott and Chris Christie expected to participate. The event will be moderated by Stuart Varney and Dana Perino of Fox News and Ilia Calderón of Univision. However, the article suggests that none of the candidates will likely be the Republican candidate for president in 2024, as Donald Trump is expected to assume this position.

The Second Republican Presidential Debate: High Expectations and Concerns

There are two sides to the coin regarding the upcoming second Republican presidential debate. The upside is, it’s unlikely to be as chaotic as the first one, which was rife with disarray and moderator disrespect. The downside is that it’s unclear how much improvement to expect.

Though the network, moderators, and candidate lineup have changed, Donald Trump’s absence still looms large. He opted out of the first debate and will again bow out, choosing to address striking autoworkers in Detroit instead.

Who are the participants in the second GOP debate?

The second Republican debate is set for 6 p.m. Arizona time on Wednesday, Sept. 27, on Fox Business and Univision, and streamed on conservative platform Rumble. It will be held at the Ronald Reagan Foundation and Institute in Simi Valley, California. Expected participants include Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley, Vivek Ramaswamy, Mike Pence, Tim Scott, and Chris Christie. The moderators are Stuart Varney and Dana Perino of Fox News, and Univision’s Ilia Calderón.

First Republican Presidential Debate: A Recap

The first debate, held on Fox News on Aug. 23, was more chaotic than substantive. The most memorable moment was DeSantis’ hesitant show of support for Trump as the GOP candidate, even if Trump was convicted of any alleged crimes. Other moments included Ramaswamy’s contentious behavior and the moderators’ struggle to control the proceedings.

Will the second GOP debate be different?

Debates usually serve as a platform for candidates to express their stance on certain policies and gain traction in the polls. However, given Trump’s lead and likely candidacy for the 2024 presidential elections, the best the other candidates can hope for is to demonstrate their loyalty to him in hopes of being chosen as his running mate.

Whether the moderators will be more assertive, if Trump’s indictments will be discussed, or if any of the candidates will make a significant impact, remains to be seen. What we do know is that none of it will likely change the course of the 2024 presidential elections.

How to watch the second GOP debate?

The second Republican presidential debate will be broadcast at 6 p.m. Arizona time on Wednesday, Sept. 27, on Fox Business, Univision, and will be streamed on Rumble.

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