Kari Lake Demands Biden’s Ouster, Labels Gallego Incompetent



U.S. Senate candidate Kari Lake and U.S. Sen. Mike Lee of Utah called for President Joe Biden’s removal from office following a poor debate performance. Lake is seeking to portray the election as a choice between a Trump loyalist and a Biden loyalist, while her rival Ruben Gallego has mostly avoided commenting on Biden. Despite polling that suggests Gallego is leading Lake in the race for the Senate seat currently held by retiring U.S. Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, Biden is consistently trailing Trump in Arizona polls.

Senate Candidates Lake and Lee Call for Biden’s Removal Post-Debate

Following a lackluster debate performance from President Joe Biden, U.S. Senate candidate Kari Lake and U.S. Sen. Mike Lee of Utah have called for his removal from office. Lake also suggested that this should disqualify her Democratic opponent, Ruben Gallego. Gallego, a five-term member of Congress, however, remained silent on Biden, choosing to focus on Lake’s conservative agenda. Their contrasting reactions to Biden’s performance potentially indicate differing campaign strategies for winning Arizona’s Senate race.

Candidates Double Down on Preferred Strategies

Lake, leading the race for the Republican nomination, has emphasized the national significance of the contest, portraying it as a choice between a Trump loyalist and a Biden loyalist. Gallego, on the other hand, has maintained some distance from Biden, occasionally critiquing the President and advocating policies not always supported by Biden. Following the presidential debate, both candidates reinforced their respective strategies, with Lake asserting that Biden and Gallego are unfit for office.

Gallego and Lake’s Stances on Policy Issues

Gallego has tried to distinguish his policy views from Biden’s, advocating for better border management, addressing Arizona’s significant drug issue, and calling for immediate action to lower gas prices in Western states. Lake, on the other hand, has remained a steadfast supporter of Trump, consistently defending him in key moments, such as after his conviction on felony charges in New York.

Implications for Arizona’s Senate Race

Lake, Gallego, and Republican Mark Lamb are vying for the seat left vacant by the retiring U.S. Sen. Kyrsten Sinema. Polls show Gallego leading Lake, while Biden consistently trails Trump in Arizona polls. If Democrats hoped Trump’s convictions would help Biden, his weak debate performance could further impact the race.

Reaction from Other Democrats

U.S. Sen. Mark Kelly, D-Ariz., portrayed the presidential contest as a choice between progress and regression during a campaign rally with Vice President Kamala Harris. Kelly criticized Trump as a self-serving convicted criminal and praised Biden and Harris’s efforts to fix immigration issues. However, the debate’s fallout may continue to influence public opinion.

Call for Biden’s Removal

Sen. Mike Lee joined Lake in Gallego’s congressional district to voice concerns about inflation under Biden and called for the invocation of the 25th Amendment, which provides for the removal of incapacitated presidents. Lee described Biden’s debate performance as evidence of his unfitness for office, and suggested that voters who want more federal regulation and spending should support Gallego.

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