Latest Falsehoods in Arizona Election Audit Not ‘Old News’



The Arizona Republic has filed a lawsuit that has revealed information about the “audit” of the 2020 election in the state, which found no fraud and cost taxpayers more than $5.5 million. The lawsuit revealed that Trump loyalists instigated, paid for, and conducted the audit, contradicting claims by former Republican Senate President Karen Fann that the audit had “nothing to do with Donald Trump.” The audit led to threats and harassment of Maricopa County supervisors and election officials due to lies and conspiracy theories, and resulted in a defamation case against failed governor candidate Kari Lake.

Arizona Audit Scandal Uncovered

Republican State Senate Majority Leader Warren Petersen calls the controversial 2020 Arizona Election audit, which found no fraud and cost taxpayers over $5.5 million, “old news”. But the cover-ups and deceptions behind this audit are anything but old.

These revelations were uncovered by a lawsuit filed by The Arizona Republic, revealing the involvement of Donald Trump’s loyalists in the audit.

Trump Loyalists Funded the ‘Audit’

Despite claims by former Republican senate president, Karen Fann, that the audit had “nothing to do with Donald Trump“, evidence from The Republic’s lawsuit suggests otherwise.

The lawsuit revealed Trump loyalists instigated the audit, funded and conducted it, with constant communication between the audit’s contractor, Doug Logan, his company Cyber Ninjas, and Trump loyalists.

Conspiracy Theories Led to Harassment

The audit, a thinly veiled attempt to hand Trump a victory in Arizona, led to public harassment and threats towards Maricopa County supervisors and election officials, due to the spread of lies and conspiracy theories.

Republican Supervisor Clint Hickman told The Republic’s Ryan Randazzo, “Every bit that you guys exposed of the backroom dealings of the Legislature and Senate president was very important to me.”

Reassuring Voters: Election Security

Notably, the lawsuit revealed Logan’s acknowledgement of the accuracy of the Dominion Voting Systems equipment, stating it was “quite precise“.

Despite this, he did not publicly admit it, while millions of taxpayer dollars were wasted, and public servants threatened. This recent uncovering of deceit and lies serves to reassure voters about Arizona’s election security.

However, despite the importance of this information, there are those who would prefer to sweep these revelations under the rug, calling them “old news”.

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