Migrants Bypass NYC Order, Arrive at NJ Train Stations



Migrants aiming for New York City are stopping at New Jersey train stations to avoid an executive order from the NYC mayor designed to regulate their arrivals. Over the past month, approximately 14,700 asylum seekers have crossed the U.S. southern border and ended up in New York City via buses. The unregulated arrivals, which often occur at night and during weekends in different locations in Midtown Manhattan, are being described as a “humanitarian crisis” by the city’s mayor, Eric Adams.

Secaucus Mayor Reports Migrant Buses Aimed for NYC Stop at NJ Train Stations

Migrant buses for New York City make stops at New Jersey train stations to circumvent an executive order from NYC’s Mayor aiming to regulate their arrivals, stated the mayor of Secaucus.

Recent Surge in Asylum Seekers Arriving in NYC via Buses

Over the past month, 14,700 asylum seekers traversed the U.S. southern border and ended up in NYC via buses, based on a recent statement by NYC Mayor Eric Adams.

Unexpected Bus Arrivals Overwhelm NYC

Buses deliver migrants at various locations in Midtown Manhattan during nighttime and weekends, creating what Adams labels as a “humanitarian crisis” that’s straining the city.

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