New Traffic Light Boosts Safety at Wake County’s Accident-Prone Intersection



The intersection at U.S. 264 Alt. and N.C. 39 in Zebulon, North Carolina, near Five County Stadium, is set to receive traffic lights after drivers expressed safety concerns. The intersection, which currently only has stop signs in one direction, has seen 44 crashes between 2018 and 2022. The town’s Communications Director, Kaleb Harmon, shared that the lights are expected to improve traffic flow, reduce accidents, and were moved up in the development timeline following a major crash.

New Traffic Lights to Enhance Safety at Zebulon’s Troubled Intersection

Residents of Zebulon, North Carolina, are looking forward to an essential improvement at a hazardous intersection near Five County Stadium. Soon, traffic lights will replace the current stop signs at the intersection of U.S. 264 Alt. and N.C. 39, a change welcomed by locals who pass through the high-accident area regularly.

Local resident Josh Storms, who travels through the intersection twice daily for work, shared his excitement. “I’ve seen several accidents here. Upon seeing the new lights going up, I thought it would be fantastic for the intersection,” he said.

Storms isn’t alone in his enthusiasm. A post by the Zebulon Police Department announcing the traffic light installation attracted close to 600 likes and over 100 comments.

Traffic Lights to Improve Flow and Reduce Accidents

Kaleb Harmon, Zebulon’s Communications Director, hopes the traffic lights will ease the flow and decrease the number of accidents. “Unfortunately, the awkward angle of the road leads to numerous T-bone crashes. Over the past few years, we’ve seen high-profile, serious injury crashes, including one a few months ago,” Harmon said.

According to the North Carolina Department of Transportation, there were 44 crashes at this intersection between 2018 and 2022. These alarming figures prompted traffic safety improvements as part of the town’s agreement with the developers of nearby Sidney Creek.

Timeline for Traffic Light Installation Accelerated

“The improvements were slated for a couple of years out, but after the last major crash, the NCDOT, Town of Zebulon, and Sidney Creek developers agreed to expedite the process,” Harmon revealed.

Another resident, Carlie Storms, welcomed the accelerated timeline for the traffic light installation. She feels the new lights will ease game day traffic around the Carolina Mudcats stadium and enhance safety. She said, “We got stuck at that intersection on the way to a game because someone was too scared to make a turn. It’ll be great once the light is installed and people know when they can proceed safely.”

Residents can expect the traffic lights to be operational in the coming weeks.

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