Zelenskyy Appeals to Republicans for Ukraine Aid



Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is seeking more aid from the US, but is facing resistance from conservatives in the House of Representatives who are pushing for Ukraine assistance to be left out of a bill that keeps the government open until year’s end. The US has given Ukraine $113 billion in aid since the start of the war in February 2022, and the Biden administration is seeking an additional $24 billion. A government shutdown could prevent the Pentagon from delivering the weapons and training needed by Ukrainian forces, and Zelenskyy has also been pushing for the US to provide long-range missiles known as ATACMS.

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy’s Return to Capitol Hill Amid Spending Fight

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy returns to Capitol Hill, potentially leaving without gaining financial assistance due to Congress’s focus on a spending battle intertwined with the Ukraine war and federal budget cuts. His previous visit may not be enough to influence the current situation.

Several Conservatives in the House of Representatives advocate for excluding Ukraine aid from an upcoming bill aimed to keep the government running through year-end. They seek rigorous reporting on aid spending and may vote against it altogether.

President Biden and President Zelenskyy

Impact of U.S. Shutdown on Ukraine Aid

Following Zelenskyy’s surprise visit to Washington last December, lawmakers approved $45 billion in aid for Ukraine. However, with the current Republican-led Congress in disarray, aid progression is uncertain.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is striving to unite his party around a comprehensive government funding bill. If no agreement is reached, the U.S. spending authority expires on Sept. 30, potentially shutting down most of the federal government. A shutdown would disrupt already approved Ukraine assistance, affecting Zelenskyy’s efforts to push Russia out of Ukraine.

Federal employee furloughs due to a government shutdown could halt the Pentagon from delivering necessary weapons, ammunition, or providing training to Ukrainian forces, warns Pentagon spokesperson Christopher Sherwood.

Uncertainty Over Funding for Ukraine

Since the war’s onset in February 2022, Congress has approved $113 billion for Ukraine. This includes humanitarian aid and government support. The Biden administration is now seeking an additional $24 billion for Ukraine and related international needs.

“We need this money to help Ukraine in the early part of the fiscal year,” said National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby, “as it support the same systems and capabilities we’ve been providing Ukraine over the last 18 months.”

President Joe Biden has been directing the Pentagon to ship billions worth of military hardware like howitzer cannons, rifles, long-range rocket-artillery systems, and shells under the Presidential Drawdown Authority. The administration is also sending drones and mine-clearing equipment. Roughly $5 billion remains under this authority, confirms the Pentagon.

Zelenskyy’s Aid Requests from Washington

If a government shutdown is imminent or Congress approves a bill to maintain the current government funding levels until year-end, current funds can be utilized. However, these funds are finite and will eventually deplete.

During his Washington visit, Zelenskyy seeks more aid and military equipment from the U.S. He will meet with military leaders, including Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, at the Pentagon, and later visit Biden at the White House.

Zelenskyy has been urging Biden to provide Ukraine with long-range missiles known as ATACMS. While Biden has resisted sending weapons that can reach Russia, the administration states a formal decision has not been made on supplying ATACMS.

Beyond the drawdown authority, the Pentagon uses the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative to support Ukraine. Notably, under this program, 31 M1 Abrams tanks have been contracted for Ukraine. Since Russia’s 2022 invasion, more than $44 billion in military aid has been sent to Ukraine by the Biden administration.

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