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2024 Election Outcome May Determine IRS’s Fate

TL/DR - Congress has sharply contrasting views on the Internal Revenue Service's (IRS) handling of an $80 billion investment, with Republicans accusing the agency of wasteful spending and Democrats praising its progress. IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel testified that the investment, part of the Inflation Reduction Act, is crucial in efforts to…

Haley Retracts Statement About Texas’ Potential Secession from the US

TL/DR - Presidential candidate for 2024, Nikki Haley, has retracted a previous statement suggesting that Texas could secede from the United States. She clarified her stance during a conversation with CNN's Dana Bash, stating that the Constitution does not permit states to break away from the union. Haley's clarification follows her initial…

Texas Supreme Court Denies Woman’s Emergency Abortion Appeal

TL/DR - Kate Cox, a 31-year-old Texas woman, sought a legal medical exemption for an abortion after being informed that her baby suffered from trisomy 18, a chromosomal disorder that often results in stillbirth or early infant death. After Judge Maya Guerra Gamble ruled that Cox could terminate her pregnancy, the Texas Supreme Court temporarily…