Discover Powerful CrossFit Open Workout 24.3 and Scaled Version


Preparing for the 24.3 CrossFit Open Workout

With the unveiling of the CrossFit Open workout 24.3, there’s a widespread sense of anticipation and a touch of dread as thrusters make a comeback for the final week of the competition. Revealed by retired Navy SEAL and current entrepreneur Jocko Willink, on the CrossFit Games YouTube channel, this workout is set to challenge even the fittest CrossFit athletes.

Among the first to tackle the CrossFit Open 24.3 were athletes Arielle Loewen, Roman Khrennikov, Jay Crouch, and Sydney Wells. Their participation followed the last-minute withdrawal of Tia-Clair Toomey-Orr due to a wrist injury. Despite her absence from this workout, the six-time champion still intends to complete the workout over the weekend and participate in the 2024 CrossFit season.

Top Tips and Tricks for CrossFit Open Workout 24.3

If you’re wondering how to master this CrossFit Open workout, we’ve got you covered. PZL Programming‘s head CrossFit coach Alex Conroy shares his top tips and tricks on how to ace workout 24.3.

What Does CrossFit Open Workout 24.3 Involve?

For the committed athlete, the workout involves five rounds for time, including ten thrusters (95lb/43kg for men, 65lb/29kg for women) and ten chest-to-bar pull-ups. After a one-minute rest, the next five rounds for time consist of seven thrusters (135lb/61kg for men, 95lb/43kg for women) and seven bar muscle-ups. Compared to the rest of the 2024 CrossFit Open workouts, this one is particularly challenging.

If an athlete doesn’t complete the workout and reaches the same number of reps as another contender, the time taken to complete the first section will be used as the tie-break score. The workout has a 15-minute time cap.

How to Do a Scaled Version of CrossFit Open Workout 24.3

For those looking for a slightly lighter challenge, there’s a scaled version of CrossFit Open workout 24.3. This version includes five rounds for time of ten thrusters (65lb/29kg for men, 45lb/20kg for women) and ten jumping chest-to-bar pull-ups, followed by a one-minute rest and another five rounds for time of seven thrusters (95lb/43kg for men, 65lb/29kg for women) and seven chin-over-bar pull-ups.

Movement Standards for CrossFit Open Workout 24.3

It’s important to adhere to CrossFit’s movement standards for each exercise in the 24.3 workout to avoid costly no-reps. These standards apply across both the RX and scaled divisions. Correctly executing each exercise will not only keep the judge happy but will also ensure you achieve the best possible score.

Strategies to Achieve a Great Score, According to a CrossFit Coach

Getting the best possible score in CrossFit Open workout 24.3 requires a strategy, and who better to advise than PZL Programming‘s Head Coach, Alex Conroy. He suggests different approaches for those comfortable with gymnastics elements and those who aren’t, ensuring all athletes can make the most of this workout.

How To Warm Up For CrossFit Open Workout 24.3

As the old saying goes, “Fail to prepare, prepare to fail.” This is particularly relevant when preparing for Open workouts. The team at mobility app Pliability has provided moves to help you get your body primed and ready for 24.3.

When is the CrossFit Open Workout 24.3 Score Submission Deadline?

Don’t forget, you have until 5pm PDT on Monday, March 18 (12am GMT on Tuesday, March 19) to submit your score for CrossFit Open workout 24.3.

Submitting Your CrossFit Open Score

If you’re ready to register your score for the 2024 CrossFit Open, you’ll need to set up an account on the CrossFit Games app or website and register for the competition (which has a fee of $20). Once registered, you can submit your score for 24.3 via your personal dashboard anytime before the submission deadline.

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