Congress Dysfunction Surges as G.O.P. Suffers Increasing Defeats



Republicans in the U.S. Congress faced significant setbacks on various fronts, including military aid to Ukraine and Israel and the impeachment attempt against homeland security secretary Alejandro N. Mayorkas. An effort to pass a bill for $17.6 billion in military assistance to Israel was defeated due to opposition from Democrats and some Republican members; the critics called it a ploy to derail a larger foreign military aid bill that includes Ukraine. The internal discord in the Republican ranks has also resulted in their inability to negotiate a border deal or successfully impeach Mr. Mayorkas.

Republicans Face Series of Defeats on Crucial Congressional Issues

Republicans faced multiple setbacks within Congress on Tuesday, leaving critical aspects of their agenda, including U.S. military aid to Ukraine and Israel, unresolved.

Senate Republicans failed to pass a sought-after border deal, while House Republicans were unable to move forward with an attempt to impeach homeland security secretary, Alejandro N. Mayorkas, due to internal dissent.

A significant blow arrived when the House rejected a proposal for $17.6 billion in military assistance to Israel. This was primarily due to opposition from Democrats and a number of firm-right Republicans, citing that the funds were not accompanied by spending cuts.

These events epitomize Republican-induced disarray within the Capitol, demonstrating their intent to counteract President Biden, but their inability to secure enough majority or solidarity to do so.

Republican efforts to derail bipartisan attempts to provide more military aid to Ukraine, and to propose an Israel-only aid package amidst an influx of migrants, suffered subsequent defeats. The inability to progress these critical issues reveals serious challenges within the party.

The stalemate put aid to Ukraine and Israel at risk, raising immediate concerns about the future of this vital military assistance to American allies.

It was a particularly difficult day for Speaker Mike Johnson, who has been in his role for roughly 100 days, as it emphasized his slim majority and the unwieldy nature of his conference.

Notably, the vote to impeach Mayorkas further exposed divisions within the GOP, with an ensuing chaotic scene on the House floor as leaders sought support. They aim to retry this action on Wednesday.

Three Republican lawmakers resisted the impeachment resolution, expressing concern over the precedence such a decision might set for policy disagreements.

Despite these setbacks, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, a strong advocate for Mayorkas’ impeachment, anticipates a re-vote in the coming days.

Republicans are expected to continue to face difficulty on Wednesday when they are likely to reject a bill tying a border compromise to aid for Israel and Ukraine. This rejection is anticipated even from those who initially negotiated the deal, due in part to opposition from former President Donald Trump.

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