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weather forecast

Phoenix Heats Up: Continuous Above-Average Temperatures

TL/DR - Phoenix, Arizona, has been experiencing higher than average temperatures, reaching 113 degrees in the past two days and nearing 110 degrees today. Slightly cooler temperatures are predicted due to a low-pressure system to the southwest, bringing in cooler air and gusts of up to 20 mph, particularly in mountainous areas. Temperatures will…

Upcoming Arizona Weather: Expect Rain, Snow & Falling Temperatures

TL/DR - The weather in Phoenix, Arizona is expected to change over the weekend, with a forecast of high winds and potential snow in areas above 7,000 feet of elevation. The High Country area is under both a wind and winter weather advisory, with predictions of snow ranging from 4 to 12 inches and wind gusts up to 60 mph. In the Valley area,…