Phoenix Heats Up: Continuous Above-Average Temperatures



Phoenix, Arizona, has been experiencing higher than average temperatures, reaching 113 degrees in the past two days and nearing 110 degrees today. Slightly cooler temperatures are predicted due to a low-pressure system to the southwest, bringing in cooler air and gusts of up to 20 mph, particularly in mountainous areas. Temperatures will likely rise back to 110 degrees or higher from Tuesday to Thursday, before another low pressure drops them below 110 on Friday, and no rainfall is expected in the forecast.

High Temperatures Persist in Phoenix

Phoenix residents are experiencing unusually hot conditions, with temperatures exceeding the normal range for this time of year.

The city’s temperature rose to 113 degrees over the past two days, and today it’s nearing 110. Even though it’s above average, the forecast predicts a slightly cooler outlook.

A low-pressure system from the southwest promises to bring cooler air and create evening breeziness across Arizona. Particularly strong gusts, within the 20-mph range, are anticipated in the mountain regions.

Overnight, the cloud cover will reduce somewhat, leading to cooler temperatures in the lower 80s. However, the clouds are expected to rebuild the next day.

As we head into the new week, residents can expect temperatures to stabilize around the 106-degree mark on Sunday and Monday. A high-pressure ridge is then forecast to increase temperatures back to 110 or more by midweek.

Temperatures are likely to exceed 110 degrees from Tuesday to Thursday. As of now, there are no active warnings or watches.

Another low-pressure system is predicted to pass through the region, dropping temperatures below 110 by Friday. In the coming days, the forecast suggests drier conditions with no rain expected. Residents are urged to practice heat safety measures and stay hydrated.

Read More US News; Arizona News