Biden Reveals New Asylum Restrictions for US-Mexico Border Migrants

Biden Reveals New Asylum Restrictions for US-Mexico Border Migrants


President Joe Biden has announced plans to immediately enforce significant restrictions on migrants seeking asylum at the U.S.-Mexico border, which will bar migrants from being granted asylum when officials deem the border is overwhelmed. The order comes into effect when daily border encounters hit 2,500, indicating an immediate implementation due to current daily averages being higher than this threshold. This action follows the collapse of a bipartisan border security deal, with Biden stating he had no choice but to act unilaterally to control the border.

President Biden Unveils Asylum Restrictions Amid Immigration Crisis

On Tuesday, President Joe Biden announced plans for immediate stringent restrictions on asylum seekers at the U.S.-Mexico border. This move aims to defuse immigration as a political liability ahead of the November elections.

The anticipated presidential directive will prevent the approval of asylum requests when U.S. officials determine that the southern border is overwhelmed. This step follows the collapse of a bipartisan border security deal in Congress that most Republican lawmakers rejected under the influence of former President Donald Trump.

Despite his preference for legislation, Biden stated that he had no choice but to act independently to regain control of the border. He asserted that immigration has always been the lifeblood of America.

In a bid to manage the border crisis, the restrictions will take effect when daily border encounters exceed 2,500. Based on current figures, the order should be implemented immediately. The restrictions will only be lifted when daily encounters are maintained at or below 1,500 on a seven-day average. These figures were first reported by The Associated Press on Monday.

Homeland Security predicts illegal crossing arrests could rise to a daily average as high as 6,700 between July and September. Migrants who do not express fear of returning to their home countries will face immediate removal, potential reentry ban for five years, or even criminal prosecution.

Asylum seekers who express fear or intentions to seek asylum will face stricter screening. If they pass the screening, they can pursue limited forms of humanitarian protection, such as the U.N. Convention Against Torture.

In contrast to Biden’s approach, former President Donald Trump used similar provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act, including his 2017 directive to bar citizens of Muslim-majority countries and his 2018 efforts to restrict asylum.

Though the number of migrants encountered at the border has been declining, the administration warns the numbers remain too high and could rise with better weather. The impact of Biden’s directive remains uncertain and faces potential legal challenges.

Republicans dismissed Biden’s order as a political stunt. They believe his actions are driven by the upcoming elections, accusing him of having had three and a half years to take action but doing nothing instead.

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