Brave Marquette Police Successfully Defuse Gun Crisis at City Hall



A man with a loaded handgun entered the Marquette Police Department, demanding to speak with an officer. The situation was deescalated after an hour of negotiation and the suspect was taken into custody. Officers involved in the incident were awarded meritorious service awards in recognition for their handling of the situation.

Man with Loaded Handgun Subdued by Marquette Police

A man brandishing a loaded firearm marched into Marquette Police Department demanding an officer’s attention last week. The incident led to staff inside City Hall evacuating or opting to shelter in place.

Officers successfully de-escalated the situation, arresting the suspect following an hour-long negotiation.

Valiant Police and Firefighters Recognized at City Commission Meeting

At the City Commission meeting on Monday night, Police Chief Ryan Grim recognized Officers Jeff Czarny, John Braun, and Ben Takala with meritorious service awards. The City’s gallant firefighters were also acknowledged for their service.

Chief Grim expressed his pride in his team, applauding their rapid response, bravery, and dedication to public safety during the crisis.

Regular Training Crucial in Crisis Response, Says Officer Czarny

Officer Czarny, who was among the first to deal with the armed man, acknowledged the vital role their regular training plays in such high-pressure situations.

While grateful for the recognition, Czarny emphasized the team effort involved in the incident, stating that their training prepares them to handle everything from defensive tactics to stressful scenarios.

City Manager and Senior Services Manager Commend Police Efforts

City Manager Karen Kovacs, who was inside City Hall during the incident, expressed her deep gratitude towards those involved. Recognizing Chief Grim’s leadership, she praised his team and the two captains for their immediate action.

In her praise, Kovacs also acknowledged the Senior Center’s Senior Services Manager, Maureen McFadden, for assisting with the building’s evacuation.

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