Cut Healthcare Costs with Personalized Meal Delivery, Study Reveals
Medically tailored meal (MTM) delivery programs could lead to significant savings in US healthcare costs, particularly for patients with conditions requiring special diets, according to a study by the American Society for Nutrition. The study used data from approximately seven million US adults with diet-sensitive chronic diseases and found that despite implementation costs, MTMs could generate net cost savings in almost every state. The study also found MTMs could reduce hospitalizations across all states, improve patient quality of life, and suggested healthcare plans should consider integrating MTMs into their care regimens for patients with chronic conditions.
Nutritional researchers suggest that meal delivery, particularly medically tailored meals (MTMs), might be a significant strategy in reducing health care costs. These meals are specifically designed for patients with conditions that call for special diets and interfere with daily activities.
A study by the American Society for Nutrition, based on past MTM programs providing 10 meals per week over eight months, revealed that such an approach could result in cost savings across most US states. Computer models predicting the impact of MTMs on health care costs and hospitalizations used data from approximately seven million U.S adults with diet-sensitive chronic diseases. The findings were presented at NUTRITION 2024 in Chicago.
Understanding Medically Tailored Meals (MTMs)
MTM programs involve dietitian nutritionists creating customized meal plans to cater to each patient’s unique health needs. These ready-to-eat meals are then delivered to patients’ homes. However, these programs are still not widely available in many parts of the US.
“MTMs would generate net cost savings across nearly all states for patients with diet-sensitive conditions, including diabetes and heart disease, and limitations in daily activities,” stated Shuyue Deng, lead study author and doctoral student at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University.
MTMs were also found to reduce hospitalizations across all states, further contributing to health cost savings. The state with the highest savings was Connecticut, with an annual saving of $6,219. Other states that showed significant savings included Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Arizona, and Ohio.
Benefits Beyond Cost Savings
MTM programs not only have a positive impact on health cost savings but also enhance the quality of life for patients who may struggle with grocery shopping and meal preparation. This increased independence can be a significant benefit, encouraging policymakers to consider integrating MTMs into their care regimens and public health initiatives.
Christopher Gardner, a nutrition scientist at the Stanford Prevention Research Center, asserted the potential of MTMs to cut health care costs. He emphasized that poor dietary habits linked to chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer are expensive to treat in the healthcare system. Therefore, making healthful dietary changes through programs like MTM could lead to reduced health care costs.
‘Food is Medicine’ Initiative and Personalized Meals
The Department of Health and Human Services has launched an initiative called “Food is Medicine,” focusing on integrating access to diet and nutrition resources. This includes not only MTMs but also access to healthy grocery items and fruits and vegetables. Gardner emphasizes the importance of personalized meals, as people are more likely to adhere to plans that meet their taste preferences, food intolerances, and clinical conditions.
However, implementing MTMs poses challenges. It involves not only the cost of producing and delivering the meals and the administrative overhead of managing the programs but also the availability of kitchen appliances to the patient for heating and storing the meals. Further research is being planned to explore these factors, including the variations in food prices across the country.
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