Exploring Key Issues: Hate, Gambling & Energy Security in Letters to the Editor



The article presents a collection of opinion pieces discussing various topics. In one piece, a person named Stan Thiebaud discusses the impact of hateful speech, emphasizing the importance of empathy and respect for human dignity. Another piece by Amanda Eversole advocates for policies that support American energy development. Finally, Danna Zoltner encourages voters to support moderate candidates in both Democratic and Republican primaries, noting that Texas voters aren’t required to register for a specific party.

Consider the Impact of Your Words

An incident involving a Jewish teenager encountering hate at an airport, as shared by Sarah Moskowitz, raises the issue of the destructive nature of “outrage culture”. It serves as a reminder that our words, whether in person or on social media, have an impact on the recipient’s dignity and well-being. Let’s strive to foster respect and love towards each other, as our faith traditions urge us to.

Opposition to Dallas’ Gambling Proposals

Mark Lamster’s article highlights the absurdity of Dallas promoting a money-making scheme that could potentially harm the city’s integrity and community spirit. This involves the possibility of a new arena, casino, and resort, which some, like Mark Cuban, support. It’s time for such profit-driven initiatives to reconsider their impacts on the local community.

Supporting American Energy Production

A former U.S. Secretary of Commerce, Donald L. Evans, emphasizes the importance of oil and natural gas for America’s economy. As the country is currently a leading producer of these resources, we need beneficial state and federal policies to maintain this position. Proposals include modernizing the permitting process, allowing more federal lands for leases, and decreasing regulations that hinder energy development. Supporting energy made in the U.S. should be a priority for our leaders.

Show Independence in Primary Voting

The notion that Donald Trump will win the Texas primary raises questions about voters’ party allegiance. With Texas not requiring voters to register for a specific party, people have the freedom to vote in either Democratic or Republican primaries. Displaying independence and supporting moderate candidates could disrupt the status quo and potentially inspire change.

Addressing Health Insurance Challenges

Current health insurance costs, a symptom of broader health system issues, are unsustainable. While Dallas-Fort Worth boasts excellent medical practitioners and hospitals, the costs of medical services are high. A strategic review by an appointed commission could suggest structural changes to better the system and stimulate progress.

Advocating for Employee Rights

A recent case where Marissa Hughes lost her job at Kyte Baby after requesting to work remotely to care for her preemie baby raises concerns about employee rights. For a company selling baby products, it’s ironic to dismiss an employee needing to care for her infant. Rectifying this mistake is necessary.

Share your views in a letter to the editor or email at letters@dallasnews.com.

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