Two Arizona-based political consultants are producing a musical comedy about the late Sen. John McCain being held captive in the mind of Donald Trump. The show presents McCain as a prisoner of Trump’s war to gain approval from an establishment that Trump both reveres and scorns. The article discusses various instances of Trump’s public criticisms of McCain and his daughter Meghan, arguing that the premise of McCain living inside Trump’s head is, in some ways, real.
McCain’s Ghost in Trump’s Mind: A New Musical Comedy
Two Arizona-based political consultants are creating a musical comedy about the ghost of the late Senator John McCain trapped in Donald Trump’s mind. The story, set in 2024, depicts McCain as a captive in Trump’s battle for the approval of an establishment that Trump both adores and despises.
While the concept promises hilarity, it also reflects reality, suggesting that McCain’s presence in Trump’s mind is not just for comedic effect, but a reality akin to a TV show or documentary.
Trump and McCain’s Historic Feud
McCain has been a fixture in Trump’s consciousness since the senator’s lifetime. When Trump accepted Putin’s denial of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election, even after 12 Russian military officers were indicted, McCain criticized Trump for abasing himself before a tyrant.
Trump’s resentment towards McCain continued even after his death, with Trump referring to McCain as a ‘loser.’ This was revealed in an article by The Atlantic, which also highlighted Trump’s disrespectful treatment of McCain and other military members.
Trump’s Attacks on McCain’s Family
Trump’s attacks extended to McCain’s family as well. He lashed out at Meghan McCain when she published a memoir about her time on “The View,” criticizing her and her father online.
The public criticism of McCain continues, with Trump mocking McCain to Iowa voters recently. Despite the musical comedy’s fictional premise, the idea of McCain’s ghost living in Trump’s mind reflects a long-standing reality.
John McCain, who spent over five years in a Vietnamese POW camp, once said, “The place I lived longest in my life was Hanoi.” But it seems McCain has now taken up a longer residence inside Trump’s head.
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