Wake County Launches Year-Round Schooling for Thousands
Tens of thousands of students in Wake County, North Carolina are preparing to return to school as the year-round school year begins. The year-round system, implemented in 37 elementary and middle schools, divides the year into four quarters, each lasting nine weeks, with three-week breaks in between. The flexible schedule benefits parents who work non-traditional schedules and families who wish to vacation at non-peak times.
Wake County Students Poised to Begin New School Year
Wake County is set to welcome back tens of thousands of students this Monday as the new year-round school term commences in numerous schools across the district. Parents and students at institutions such as Wilburn Elementary in Raleigh have spent a busy weekend preparing for the new schedule.
Preparations Underway for Year-Round Schooling
School supply stores in Raleigh have reported a steady influx of teachers stocking up on essential classroom materials over the past few weeks. Overall, 37 elementary and middle schools will be opening their doors to more than 42,000 students ready to initiate their studies.
Benefits of the Year-Round Schooling System
The year-round school system divides the academic year into four, nine-week quarters, interspersed with three-week breaks. This innovative schedule provides considerable flexibility for parents with non-traditional work hours and facilitates families to plan vacations at diverse times throughout the year.
Traditional Calendar Schools to Return Later
Most students in Wake County following the traditional calendar schedule will resume their studies on August 27. On Monday, Superintendent Robert Taylor will celebrate the new school year’s onset by visiting Woods Creek Elementary, Wake County’s newest year-round school.
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