Podcast: Updates on Trump’s Trial, Disturbing Time Interview, and a Republican Accused of Killing a Dog | Politics

Podcast: Updates on Trump’s Trial, Disturbing Time Interview, and a Republican Accused of Killing a Dog | Politics


Donald Trump gave an interview to Time magazine, laying out his vision should he win back the Presidency, despite a court case that has cost him further. In other political developments, a potential Trump VP publicly admitted to killing her puppy, Republicans tried to oust the party’s House Speaker, and Gaza protests erupted on U.S. college campuses. These events could all potentially impact the 2024 U.S. presidential election.

Jonathan Freedland and Nikki McCann Ramirez Discuss Trump and 2024 Elections

This week, Donald Trump talked to Time magazine, reaffirming concerns about his potential return to the White House in the 2024 elections. Amidst court appearances related to costly legal issues, Trump outlined his vision for a second term.

This week also witnessed a possible Trump VP confessing to killing her dog, the GOP trying to oust their House speaker, and a surge in Gaza protests on US campuses. Jonathan Freedland and Nikki McCann Ramirez from Rolling Stone magazine delve into what these events mean for the 2024 election.

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