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Biden administration

Biden’s SAVE Student Loan Plan Partially Blocked: Key Details

TL/DR - Two US courts issued temporary injunctions against the Biden administration's Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) student loan repayment plan, which has over 8 million enrollees. The courts in Kansas and Missouri partially ruled in favor of legal challenges brought by Republican-led states, which argued that the plan exceeded the Biden…

Biden hikes up drilling fees on public lands

TL/DR - The US Interior Department has implemented a rule making drilling more costly on federally owned land. Included in these new rules from the Biden administration are increased rental fees for oil companies using public land, a raised proportion of profits from oil going to the government, and higher costs for drillers to abandon wells. The…

Biden’s Border Policies Backfire: Graham’s Analysis

TL/DR - Senator Lindsey Graham has criticized the Biden administration's border policies, calling the US-Southern border a "national security nightmare". He stressed that border security is a key point in negotiations between the Senate and the White House, particularly in relation to unlocking aid for Ukraine and Israel. Graham argued for…