Beat the Heat: 11 Essential Tips for Safe Outdoor Running & Walking


Boost Your Fitness Safely with Outdoor Exercise in Hot Weather

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As summer is right around the corner, high temperatures might become a hindrance to your outdoor exercise routine. While walking or running under the scorching sun can be uncomfortable and even dangerous, there are simple strategies you can adopt to make your outdoor
exercise more pleasant and help your body recover faster afterward.

Our fitness and nutrition experts, Stephanie Mansour and Natalie Rizzo, share valuable tips on how to stay cool and safe while exercising outdoors during summer.

Preparing for Exercise in Hot Weather

Before you kick-start your workout, there are steps to take which help to minimize the effects of the heat on your body.

  • Schedule Your Workouts Wisely: Mansour suggests adjusting your
    workout schedule to avoid the hottest parts of the day. This might mean exercising early in the morning or late in the evening when the sun is setting.

  • Stay Hydrated: Rizzo emphasizes the necessity to hydrate before your workout begins. Consuming
    water-rich fruits and vegetables can help maintain your hydration levels during your exercise routine.

  • Choose the Right Pre-Workout Snack: Consuming a
    pre-workout snack such as a piece of fruit or toast can help to boost your energy levels. Consider foods rich in electrolytes like an orange or watermelon to maintain sodium balance during a sweaty workout.

  • Opt for Suitable Clothing: Mansour recommends dressing lightly and choosing
    breathable fabrics in light colors which can reflect heat instead of absorbing it.

Exercising Safely in Hot Weather

While exercising outdoors during summer, it’s crucial to focus on staying
hydrated and paying attention to your body’s signals that it’s time to take a break.

  • Keep Hydrating: Drinking an ample amount of water before, during, and after exercise is vital. Mansour suggests having a
    water bottle that keeps your water cold and regularly taking sips throughout your workout session.

  • Consider Electrolytes: Rizzo advises considering an electrolyte tablet to replenish the sodium and potassium you lose through sweat.

  • Listen to Your Body: Mansour emphasises the importance of being aware of your body’s signals such as muscle cramps, nausea, dizziness, or excessive
    sweating which may indicate a need for a rest.

Cooling Down After Exercising in Hot Weather

Following your workout, it’s important to help your body cool down. Doing so can aid in recovery and prevent heat-related illnesses.

  • Do Some Post-Workout Stretching: Mansour suggests
    stretching while your body is still warm. Applying a cold compress to your neck or wrists can help to lower your body temperature.

  • Practice Breathing Techniques: Cooling breath and lion’s breath are two effective
    breathing techniques that Mansour recommends incorporating into your cooling down routine.

  • Continue to Hydrate: Rizzo suggests continuing to hydrate and following
    these tips to rehydrate as soon as possible after your workout.

  • Have a Post-Workout Snack: Consuming a post-workout snack consisting of cold
    Greek yogurt with fruit or a salad with cold, grilled chicken and
    hydrating foods such as watermelon cubes or cucumber slices can enhance your recovery.

Visit the original article on for more tips on exercising in hot weather.

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