Spotlight PA: A specialist in Pawpaw shares the correct practices and absolute no-nos of Pennsylvania’s ‘hidden tropical fruit’


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Pawpaw Expert Reveals Everything You Need To Know About Pennsylvania’s Secret Tropical Fruit

There’s a sweet, tropical fruit that grows in Pennsylvania, and most people are not even aware of its existence. Here, we take a dive into the fascinating world of the Pawpaw – Pennsylvania’s ‘secret tropical fruit’ as revealed by a pawpaw expert.

Understanding the Pawpaw Fruit

Pawpaw is a juicy fruit that offers a blend of tropical flavors, reminiscent of bananas, mangoes, and melons. It’s native to the Eastern, Southern, and Midwestern United States and grows well in Pennsylvania’s climate.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Pawpaw

There are certain do’s and don’ts when it comes to pawpaw, though. According to the pawpaw expert, it’s essential to ensure that the fruit is ripe before consumption, and one should avoid eating the skin and seeds, which can be potentially harmful.

Discovering Pennsylvania’s Secret Tropical Fruit

Despite being native to the state and incredibly flavorful, the pawpaw remains largely undiscovered and underutilized. This fascinating fruit is a secret tropical treasure, hidden in plain sight in the forests of Pennsylvania. Discover more about the often-overlooked pawpaw in this informative Spotlight PA article.

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