AP-NORC/AAPI Data Poll Reveals US Asians and Pacific Islanders’ Concerns About Democracy



The poll reveals that half of Asian Americans disapprove of President Joe Biden, but trust Democrats over Republicans to handle issues like misinformation, election administration, student debt, and climate change. However, they trust Republicans more on economic issues and are split on which party can handle immigration better. Among Asian Americans, 12% believe U.S. democracy is working extremely well or very well, while 47% believe it functions somewhat well, and there’s a general concern about misinformation in U.S. elections, with 83% viewing it as a major issue.

Disapproval for Biden Among Asian Americans Reflects General U.S. Sentiment

Approximately half of Asian Americans note disappointment with President Joe Biden, yet tend to align more with the Democratic Party than Republicans, according to a recent poll. The data reveals these individuals trust Democrats to address misinformation, election administration, student debt, and climate change, while Republicans are trusted marginally more on economic matters. However, there’s significant skepticism towards both parties’ capability to handle major issues like election integrity and misinformation.

Asian American Views Mirror Public Consensus

The poll, which aims to illuminate the views of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, finds that these perspectives largely mirror overall public sentiment. In a December AP-NORC poll of U.S. adults, 75% believed the nation is headed in the wrong direction. Similarly, Asian Americans’ positive view of Biden (45%) is only slightly higher than the general public’s (41%).

Perception of U.S. Democracy

Only 12% of Asian American adults believe U.S. democracy is extremely or very well-functioning, yet another 47% deem it ‘somewhat’ functional. Three-quarters advocate that most people living in the U.S. should have significant influence over policy-making. This outweighs the 64% who believe the same for people of similar backgrounds and the mere 31% who think policymakers’ opinions should be influential.

Skepticism for Political Parties

Both parties’ presidential nominee processes are met with skepticism, with only 27% expressing faith in the Democrats’ selection process and even less, 20%, having confidence in the Republicans’ process. Concerns about misinformation are high; 83% see it as a significant issue in U.S. elections, surpassing worries over election integrity or restrictions on free speech.

About The Poll

The poll, conducted Nov. 6-15, 2023, surveyed 1,115 U.S. Asian, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander adults using a sample from NORC’s Amplify AAPI Panel. The margin of sampling error for respondents is plus or minus 4.4 percentage points. The Associated Press‘s coverage of race and democracy is supported by the Jonathan Logan Family Foundation. This work may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed without permission.

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