$2.5K Boosts Parenting, Nutrition Classes at Local Orgs



Two nonprofits in Ottawa and Allegan counties, Michigan, have received grants of $2,500 each from The Michigan Association of Health Plans (MAHP). The funds, part of the Tackling Health Care Disparities in Michigan Grant Program, will go to the Kids’ Food Basket organization and the Outdoor Discovery Center Network. The former will use the grant for its urban farming and nutrition education program, while the latter will fund 16 free classes on parenting education in the 2023-2024 preschool year.

Nonprofits Receive Grants for Family Resources and Education

Two nonprofit organizations in Grand Rapids, operating in Ottawa and Allegan counties, have secured grants to provide education and resources to families.

The Michigan Association of Health Plans (MAHP) awarded $2,500 each to Kids’ Food Basket and the Outdoor Discovery Center Network on October 16.

The funding is from MAHP’s Tackling Health Care Disparities in Michigan Grant Program, a scheme aimed at improving health equity and health outcomes through local initiatives and community collaboration.

“Kids’ Food Basket and Outdoor Discovery Center Network play crucial roles in bettering the health outcomes of Michigan children,” stated Dominick Pallone, executive director of MAHP. “These grants will boost health equity and benefit Michigan families.”

The Outdoor Discovery Center Network (ODC) will use the funds for 16 free parenting classes, including meals and childcare, throughout the 2023-24 preschool year. The curriculum, currently in development, will be taught by two licensed social workers from the ODC Network.

“This program will reduce barriers and aid families in need of resource and childcare support,” commented Heather Bouwman, ODC Network’s Director of Support Services.

Kids’ Food Basket (KFB) will use the funds for their urban farming and nutrition education program, which provides fresh produce to underprivileged children and families on 10 acres of farmland in Holland.

“Urban farming and nutrition education are key components in reducing food insecurity and increasing food equity in our communities,” explained Bridget Clark Whitney, President and Founding CEO of Kids’ Food Basket.

State Representative Brad Slagh, who attended the event, praised the missions of both Kids’ Food Basket and ODC Network and welcomed the support from MAHP.

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